
    Research on ship path planning in Arctic ice area based on improved Gray Wolf Algorithm

    • 摘要: 为满足船舶冰区安全航行的实际需求,提出一种基于改进灰狼算法(GWO)的路径规划模型。传统GWO在进行冰区船舶路径规划时,具有路径搜索能力强和高实时性的特点,但仍存在搜索路径长、收敛速度慢等缺陷。通过引入Tent混沌映射优化狼群初始值,增强狼群的多样性,提高全局搜索能力;采用Levy飞行与随机游走策略,分别增强了全局与局部的寻优能力;加入贪心机制保留适应度更优的路径解。在利用极地操作限制评估风险指数系统(POLARIS)生成风险指数结果(IRO)的基础上构建冰区栅格图,融合海冰密集度与海冰厚度等冰情数据后,开展仿真试验。试验结果表明:提出的改进模型性能最优,相比于传统的3种典型算法,在规划路径长度、运行时间和平滑程度等方面,提升的最大值分别为6.5%、82.5%和62.5%,能较好地满足船舶在冰区复杂航行环境中的路径规划需要。


      Abstract: In order to meet the practical needs of safe navigation of ships in ice area,a path planning model based on improved GWO(Gray Wolf Algorithm) is proposed.The traditional GWO is characterized by strong path search capability and high real-time performance in ship path planning in ice area,but it still suffers from the defects of long search path and slow convergence speed.By introducing Tent chaotic mapping to optimize the initial value of wolf packs,the diversity of wolf packs is enhanced to improve the global search capability;Levy flight and random wandering strategies are used to enhance the global and local optimization search capability,respectively;and a greedy mechanism is added to retain the path solution with better adaptation.Based on the POLARIS(Polar Operational Limit Assessment Risk Indexing System) to generate IRO(Risk Index Outcome),a raster map of the ice area is constructed,and simulation tests are carried out after integrating the ice data such as sea ice density and sea ice thickness.The experimental results show that the proposed improved model has the optimal performance,and compared with the traditional three typical algorithms,the maximum values of the improvement in the planning path length,running time and degree of smoothing are 6.5%,82.5% and62.5%,respectively,which can better satisfy the needs of the ships path planning in the complex navigational environment in the ice area.


