
    Research on the integration and coordinated relationship between port logistics and urban industrial economy in inland river port cities

    • 摘要: 为充分发挥港口物流在支撑城市融入全球供应链体系中的重要作用,促进港口物流与城市深度融合发展,本文构建港口物流与城市经济产业两系统耦合协调模型,以《国家综合立体交通网规划纲要》提出的内河主要港口所在城市为研究对象,基于2009~2022年的数据对30个港口城市的发展进行测算,分析不同水系的城市两系统的协调情况,并提出针对性的对策建议。结果表明:除贵港、来宾2个城市外,其余城市两系统具有较高的耦合度,说明多数城市港口物流与经济产业系统发展相互作用;只有重庆、武汉、杭州等6个城市两系统的协调度大于0.5,说明多数城市港口物流与经济产业系统发展尚未实现良性互动,港物产城融合程度较低,不同水系的城市亦呈现出有规律的发展特点。


      Abstract: In order to give full play to the important role of port logistics in supporting the integration of the city into the global supply chain system,and to promote the deep integration and development of port logistics and the city,this paper constructs a coupling and coordination model of the two systems of port logistics and urban economy and industry,selects the major inland river ports cities as the research sample,which are proposed in the Outline of the National Comprehensive Stereo Transportation Network Plan,calculates and analyzes the coordination of urban systems with different water systems,based on the statistical data from 30 port cities from 2009 to 2022,and puts forward targeted countermeasures and suggestions.The results show that during the study period,the two systems in other cities have good coupling degree,but the 2 cities including Guigang,Laibin show a downward trend of coupling degree,which reflects that most cities’ port logistics interacts with the urban industrial economic system.Only 6 port cities’ coordination degree of the two systems is greater than 0.5 such as Chongqing,Wuhan,Hangzhou,which reflects that most cities’ port logistics and industrial economy system have not yet realized the benign interaction,and the port city property integration degree is low.Cities with different water systems also show regular development characteristics.


