
    GENCON 2022: its applicable challenges and coping strategies

    • 摘要: 金康合同作为全球干散货行业最广泛使用的航次租船合同,其修订对于航运实践具有重大影响。通过深入探讨《统一杂货租船合同2022版》合同新变化,比较分析《统一杂货租船合同2022版》与《统一杂货租船合同1994版》之间的区别,以及这些新变化在航运实务中对承租人与出租人造成的一系列适用困境,包括制裁风险分配不合理、仲裁选择不确定、电子提单引发技术风险及战争风险损害承租人利益等方面的挑战,最后以承租双方的视角提出在实务方面的应对策略,包括制裁风险下的灵活应对、仲裁条款用语明确化、引入电子提单区块链技术以及设立战争风险下标准操作规程等,以期为业界更好地理解和适应新合同版本提供智力支持。


      Abstract: As the most widely used voyage charter party contract in the global dry bulk industry,the revision of the GENCON contract significantly impacts shipping practices. By deeply exploring the new changes in the GENCON 2022 contract and comparatively analyzing the differences between GENCON 2022 and GENCON 1994,a series of applicable challenges are identified for charterers and shipowners. These include the unreasonable allocation of sanction risks,uncertainty in arbitration choices,technical risks arising from electronic bills of lading,and war risk challenges affecting charterers’ interests. Finally,from the perspective of both parties,practical coping strategies are proposed.These include flexible responses to sanction risks,clarification of arbitration clause wording,the introduction of blockchain technology for electronic bills of lading,and the establishment of standard operating procedures under war risks. These strategies aim to provide intellectual support for the industry in comprehending and adapting to the new version of the contract.


