
    Analysis of the minimum encounter distance of large ships in Xiazhimen Channel

    • 摘要: 在狭窄航道内,大型船舶近距离会遇产生船间效应,使得船舶出现吸引、排斥、转头等现象,严重影响通航安全和效率。随着船舶大型化的发展,科学合理地确定大型船舶间最小会遇距离(或称安全会遇距离)既有一定的理论意义,又有较强的实用价值。本文以虾峙门航道为例,通过建立船舶运动模型并实施仿真操纵、分析不同会遇距离时两船水动力相互作用,计算两船会遇时不致发生较大幅度偏转的最小会遇距离。以问卷调查和现场观测的方式统计出航行实践中大型船舶在虾峙门航道内最窄处的安全会遇距离。通过比较理论和实践的结果确定两船在虾峙门航道的安全会遇距离,从而对大型船舶在狭窄航道的会遇距离提出参考建议,以期减小大型船舶会遇风险,提高通航效率。


      Abstract: In the narrow channel,the close distance of large ships will produce the inter-ship effect,which makes the ship appear attraction,repulsion,turning and other phenomena. The safety and efficiency of navigation is affected seriously.With the development of ship upsizing,scientific and reasonable determination of the minimum encounter distance(or safe encounter distance)between large ships has not only a certain theoretical significance,but also a strong practical value,In this article,taking the Xiazhimen Channel as an example,by establishing a ship motion model and implementing simulation maneuvering,and analyzing the hydrodynamic interaction between two ships at different encounter distances,the minimum encounter distance between two ships without large deflection is calculated. By means of questionnaire survey and field observation,the safe encounter distance of large ships in the narrowest part of the Xiazhimen Channel in navigation practice is calculated. By comparing the results of theory and practice,the safe encounter distance of two ships in the Xiazhimen Channel is determined,and the reference suggestions are put forward for the encounter distance of large ships in the narrow channel,in order to reduce the risk of large ships and improve the navigation efficiency.


