
    Safety management of moorings in open wharf

    • 摘要: 开敞式码头的船舶泊稳条件相比有掩护的港池型码头更为复杂,船舶在靠泊码头期间发生断缆的风险相对较大。为提升开敞式码头系泊的安全性,以舟山保税区5万吨级泊位为例,根据码头水域的水文气象条件,采用大型船舶操纵模拟仿真平台开展船舶泊稳试验,以系缆力变化为评估依据,对船舶安全系泊条件和系泊期间可采取的泊稳安全措施进行研究。结果表明:对于5万吨级集装箱船,当泊稳要求为涌浪浪高不超过0.5 m时,各向风力不超过8级(阵风9级);当试验泊位附近涌浪超过1.0 m时,N~NE风不超过7级(阵风8级),其他方向风力不超过8级(阵风9级)。


      Abstract: During mooring at open wharfs,ships are greatly affected by the offshore environment such as wind,wave and currents,The forces on ships are more complex and the risk of breaking of mooring lines is relatively greater than those of berthing at sheltered wharfs,Taking the 50 000 DWT ship berth in Zhoushan Free Trade Zone as an example,and based on the hydrological and meteorological conditions of the dock water area,mooring stability tests were conducted by using the ship maneuvering simulator,The results show that for a 50.000-ton container ship,when the swell height does not exceed 0.5 m,the wind does not exceed force 8 Beaufort with 9 Beaufort gust in all directions;when the swell exceeds 1.0 m,the wind does not exceed force 7 Beaufort with 8 beaufort gust in N~NE,and force 8 beaufort with 9 beaufort gust in other directions.


