
    Research on enhancing the employment quality of nautical graduates based on the four-aspect and six-chain model

    • 摘要: 航运业在全球经济中占据重要地位。随着全球贸易与中国经济的持续增长,以及特种船舶数量的不断攀升,航运业对航海人才有较迫切的需求。目前对航海类毕业生的培养存在“适任考试报名率和通过率偏低”、“理论与实践偏离”、“传统教学难以满足航运企业的需求”等问题,这些问题较大程度阻碍了航海人才的培养质量,进而直接影响了航海类毕业生的就业质量。为此,本文构建“四位六链”人才培养模式,将“产教赛评”四方面相互融合,实现航海类学生学习、训练、竞赛、考证的立体式教学。研究成果有利于改善目前航海类毕业生的培养瓶颈问题,提升航海人才的培养质量和综合素质,从而对航海类毕业生就业质量的提升具有重要的理论与实践意义。


      Abstract: The shipping industry occupies an important position in the global economy. With the continuous growth of global trade and the Chinese economy,as well as the increasing number of specialized ships,there is an urgent demand for nautical talents in the shipping industry. Currently,the cultivation of nautical graduates faces issues such as "low enrollment and pass rates for competency exams", "deviation between theory and practice",and "traditional teaching methods failing to meet the needs of shipping enterprises". These problems significantly hinder the quality of nautical talent cultivation,thereby directly affecting the employment quality of nautical graduates. To address these issues,this paper proposes a "four-aspect and six-chain" talent cultivation model,integrating "industry-education integration,competitions,and evaluations" to achieve a three-dimensional teaching approach for nautical students’ learning,training,competitions,and certificate acquisition. The research findings have important theoretical and practical significance for overcoming the current bottlenecks in the cultivation of nautical graduates,improving the quality and overall competence of nautical talents,and thus further enhancing the employment quality of nautical graduates.


