The AtoN efficacy assessment is widely used to get a solution to optimize the distribution of coastal AtoNs and offer better services to mariners.The combination of Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP)and Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation(FCE)has been introduced into the AtoNs efficacy assessment for over ten years. Due to the large number of indicators,the logical judgment is complex and inconvenient to use. Moreover,most indicators rely on subjective and objective factors.The subjective judgment and comprehensive scoring depends on the knowledge and work experience of the experts.To get a better solution for AtoN efficacy assessment,here gives an optimized indicator system including 3 first-level indicators,11 secondary indicators and 31 sub–indicators.Distinguish Inner and External indicators,set qualitative and quantitative indicators and reduce the evaluation scale of Pairwise comparison weight. An information system has been built and applied in practice successfully in the Southern China Sea. The AtoN efficacy assessment is simplified and more widely used.After two years of practical application,the system has achieved good results.