
    Approval inspection requirements for marine LNG fuel storage tank

    • 摘要: 船用不同用途压力容器的技术要求、检验要求都不尽相同,中国船级社(CCS)规范对压力容器的检验要求分散在诸多不同的规范中,掌握这些要求并熟练应用在实际检验中不是很容易,这对验船师的产品检验提出了很大的挑战。文章以某船用产品厂生产的液化天然气(LNG)燃料储罐压力容器工厂认可为例,对LNG低温燃料储罐的认可检验进行了汇总,希望便于大家理解压力容器的检验思路和掌握LNG燃料储罐的工厂认可检验要求。


      Abstract: There are many differences for the technical and inspection requirements of marine pressure vessels for different purposes. The inspection requirements of pressure vessels are scattered in many chapters of different China Classification Society(CCS)rules. It is very difficult to master these requirements and apply skillfully in practical inspection work. This article is based on the approval inspection for liquefied natural gas fuel storage tank produced by a marine product manufacture. The inspection requirements of LNG fuel storage tank are summarized. It is hoped that relevant people can understand the inspection requirements of pressure vessels and master the works approval inspection requirements for LNG fuel storage tanks.


