
    Research on optimization design of umbilical section based on fatigue life of the tube

    • 摘要: 脐带缆是海洋油气资源开发的重要装备之一,脐带缆一般由液压、化学试剂、电缆等多个单元绞合缠绕组成,脐带缆内部单元位置不同,单元疲劳寿命不一致,单元间的相互摩擦、挤压、结构尺寸等因素对脐带缆单元疲劳寿命都有一定的影响,因此文章根据单元相对位置、几何位置关系等设计变量开展截面优化设计研究,以脐带缆单元疲劳寿命为优化设计目标,将脐带缆单元位置变量和疲劳寿命相结合,提出基于单元疲劳寿命最大化的脐带缆截面优化设计方法。


      Abstract: Umbilical is one of the most important equipment for the marine oil and gas resources development.Umbilicals are generally composed of multiple units twisted and wound,such as hydraulic,chemical injection,and power cables. The position of internal units in the umbilicals are different,and the fatigue life of the unit is inconsistent.Factors such as mutual friction,compression,and structural dimensions between the units have a certain impact on the fatigue life of umbilical tubes. Therefore,this article research on cross-sectional optimization design method based on the variables such as relative position and geometric position relationships of tubes,the optimization design goal is the fatigue life of umbilical tubes. Develop cross-sectional design software by combining unit position variables and the fatigue life of the tube,a cross-sectional optimization design method for umbilical based on maximizing fatigue life of the tube is proposed.


