
    Risk analysis of downstream water level changes on the operation safety of ship lifters

    • 摘要: 全平衡湿运垂直升船机在运行过程中需始终保持全平衡状态,而升船机下游水位普遍存在变率快和变幅大的特点,升船机下游对接存在安全风险。从水电站下游水位急速变化后对升船机运行产生安全性的影响进行评估,选取水口水库调度信息系统中的通航时段进行采样,分析下游水位随发电机出力变化的升降情况,指出升船机承船厢失水存在倾覆的风险隐患,并提出相应的防范措施。


      Abstract: The fully balanced wet-transport vertical ship lift requires maintaining a fully balanced state throughout its operation. However,the downstream water level of the ship lift exhibits characteristics of rapid and significant variability,which significantly impacts the operational safety during the downstream docking period. This article primarily analyzes the safety risks posed to the operation of the fully balanced wet-transport steel wire rope hoist vertical ship lift after rapid changes in the downstream water level of the hydropower station. By sampling the navigation period in the Shuikou Reservoir dispatching information system,this article analyzes the fluctuations in downstream water level as a function of generator output,identifies potential risks of water loss and overturning of the ship lift’s carriage,and proposes corresponding preventive measures to ensure the safe operation of the fully balanced wet-transport vertical ship lift.


