
    Prediction of Capesize ships arrivals in B-class navigation area of Yangtze River based on Grey Markov model

    • 摘要: 近年来,随着长江江苏段12.5 m深水航道效能的进一步释放,长江B级航区CAPE型船到港量呈现逐年增长的态势,2023年达878余艘。为对CAPE型船到港量进行有效预测,对各短期预测方法进行梳理,发现灰色马尔科夫组合预测模型的预测精度更高,更具适应性。通过对长江B级航区各港CAPE型船近年到港量、船舶在港时间和各港全年作业天数进行统计分析,确定各港CAPE型船到港量上限值,运用灰色马尔科夫预测模型得到CAPE型船未来3 a到港量预测值。结果表明:长江B级航区各港未来3 a CAPE型船到港量仍将保持增长态势,2026年将接近1 000艘。


      Abstract: In recent years,with the further release of the efficiency of the 12.5-meter deep water channel in the Jiangsu section of the Yangtze River,the number of Capesize ships arriving at the ports in the B-class navigation area of Yangtze River show an increasing trend year by year,reaching more than 878 ships in 2023. In order to predict the number of Capesize ships arriving at the ports,this paper reviews various short-term prediction methods and finds that the Grey Markov combination prediction model has higher and adaptability. Therefore,this paper determines the peak value of arrival volume of Capesize ships at each port in the B-class navigation area of the Yangtze River in recent years through statistics and analysis of the port arrival volume,turnaround time of ships in port and annual operating days of each port,and then uses the Grey Markov prediction model to obtain the predicted port arrival volume of Capesize ships in the next three years. The results show that:the port of the Yangtze River B-class navigation area will continue to grow in the next three years,and will be close to 1 000 ships in 2026.


