
    Ship collision frequency prediction with Bayesian spatiotemporal log-logistic model

    • 摘要: 为准确地分析和量化船舶碰撞致因与船舶碰撞频率之间的关系,提高对船舶碰撞频率估计的精确度,考虑交通流速度、交通流量、交通流密度、航道宽度和环境因素,采用贝叶斯层次log-logistic建模方法,以避免由未观察到的时空效应引起的偏差。根据2014年1月—9月的船舶自动识别系统(Automatic Identification System, AIS)数据,对长江口水域船舶碰撞频率进行定量评估。结果表明:与log-logistic分布模型相比,考虑时空效应的贝叶斯层次log-logistic分布模型具有最佳的拟合度即偏差信息量准则(Deviance Information Criterion, DIC)最小;交通流密度是影响船舶碰撞频率中最重要的变量,表现为高交通密度区域船舶碰撞风险较高;天气和昼夜差异也对船舶的碰撞频率有重大影响。考虑时空效应的建模方法对船舶碰撞频率的评估更加严谨和可靠,结果有助于提高当地船舶运输的安全性。


      Abstract: The Bayesian hierarchical log-logistic model is introduced to handle the incompleteness of the observation in space-time effects so as to improve the accuracy in analyzing the quantitative relation between the frequency of ship collision and the influencing factors(the speed and magnitude of traffic flow, traffic density, waterway width and other environmental factors). The method is used to process the AIS data from the Yangtze river estuary in January-September 2014. The research shows that The Bayesian hierarchy log-logistic model with ability of handling unknown spatiotemporal effects has better fitness than ordinary log-logistic model does in terms of deviance information criterion. It also indicates that the traffic density is the most significant risk factor, and collision risk is considerably higher in area with higher traffic density. Weather and time(day or night) also have great impact on the risk.


