
    Local-density-based analysis on characteristics of traffic flow in Tiaozhoumen Channel of Ningbo Zhoushan Port

    • 摘要: 为提升条帚门航道通航能力,借助局部密度和数理统计方法,分析条帚门航道船舶类型、位置、航速和密度等空间分布特征以及分析船舶流量时刻、日变化的时间特征。结果表明:船舶以码头、主航道为依托,高度集中于水深条件良好的深水航道,货船数量占大型船舶总量的69.35%,小型船舶以工作船为主,占40.34%。条帚门航道船舶速度以中低速为主,尤其是货船和油船,较高速度的船舶主要是集装箱船、工作船和客船。小型船舶活动随时间变化明显,呈现“日出而作,日落而息”的状态,大型船舶活动对时间变化不敏感。条帚门航道交通量日分布中,大型船舶数量是小型船舶数量的2~3倍。该结论对提升条帚门航道通航能力具有参考意义。


      Abstract: The attributes of the spatial distribution(ship type, ship position, ship speed, traffic density) and the time characteristics(traffic change against time, daily traffic change) of the traffic flow in Tiaozhoumen Channel is studied by means of local density and mathematical statistics. The research shows the following facts: The geographic position of docks and main channel decide the traffic distribution, and ships are highly concentrated in deeper water area; The number of larger ships in a day is twice to three times of that of smaller ships; 69.35% of larger ships are cargo ships and smaller ships are mostly workboats, accounting for 40.34%; The ships in the channel usually sail at medium or low speed, especially cargo ships and tanks; Container ships, workboats and passenger ships may sail at higher speed; Small ships usually follow the rule of "to start work when the sun rises and to stop work when the sun sets", so the number of small ships in the channel changes significantly over time of the day. In the contrary, the number of larger ships does not change too much in a day.


