
    Methods for Efficient Emergency Sweep Search of Overboard Container

    • 摘要: 为提高落水集装箱应急扫测效率,降低对港口航道通航安全的影响。针对落水集装箱事故,对影响落水集装箱应急扫测效率的各要素进行分析,包括:扫测水域环境、扫测方式选择、扫测力量组织和扫测成果使用等。通过结合应急扫测具体案例,从专业技术力量对应急搜救的支撑保障、加强应急力量综合协调、加强技术手段运用、部署港口应急扫测资源和推进先进技术装备在集装箱上应用等方面提出提升落水集装箱应急扫测效率的方法和建议。结果表明:该研究为通航管理、救助清障提供技术支撑,为更好地保障港口航道通航安全提供参考。


      Abstract: The factors having impact on overboard container search are analyzed, including environment condition of the water area, the way of sweep search, the organization of sweep search resources and the use of search results. The measures to improve search efficiency is proposed, such as professional support to emergency sweep search, resource coordination, application of technological equipment, harbor deployment of sweep search facilities and advanced technology utilization.


