
    Selection of Anchor Position with Decision Tree for Single Anchoring of Unmanned Ship

    • 摘要: 针对无人船单锚泊锚位选择方面的研究空白,提出一种基于决策树算法的无人船单锚泊锚位选择方法。以大连海事大学教学实习船“育鲲”轮为试验研究对象,从电子海图中选取多处水域,根据船舶参数将电子海图栅格化。通过提取电子海图数据中的海洋环境信息并进行处理,对栅格进行锚泊安全分类,用以训练基于决策树的无人船单锚泊锚位选择模型。试验结果表明,使用该方法可以将无人船单锚泊锚位进行安全分类并对锚位的选择提出建议,有助于提高无人船单锚泊的安全性。


      Abstract: The research on automatic selection of anchor position is conducted on the teaching-training ship Yukun of Dalian Maritime University. Several water areas are selected for the experiment. The water areas are divided in grid according to the parameters of the ship. The sea environmental information is extracted from the electronic chart data and processed. The safety levels of the cells of the grid are identified based on the sea environmental information. The anchor position selection model, decision tree based, is built and trained with the data from the electronic charts. The experiments verified the concept.


