Design and Implementation of Track Autopilot
摘要: 以工控机为主要硬件载体,利用可编程逻辑控制器(Programmable Logic Controller, PLC)设计舵角反馈单元代替实际复杂液压舵机系统,采用总线实现硬件设备间的通信连接。通过搭建分离型船舶运动数学模型(Manoeuvring Mathematical Model Group, MMG)设计仿真调试器,为航迹舵的运行提供航向和位置信号。基于Visual Basic.Net在Windows环境中开发软件系统,实现了6种工作模式、航线编辑、在线监测与报警和系统菜单设置等功能。基于混合仿真思想,以“育鲲”轮为被控对象,在海洋干扰条件下对航迹舵系统的有效性进行检验。试验结果表明:船舶航迹舵能实现对计划航线的准确跟踪,且航向稳态误差小于3°,航迹稳态误差小于30 m。该航迹舵系统的实现对船舶的智能化发展和国产航迹舵的研发具有一定的促进作用。Abstract: The track autopilot system is constructed based on Controller Area Network (CAN) and an industrial control computer. The development supporting facility is constructed first, including a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)-based ruder angle feedback unit to simulate sophisticated hydraulic steering gear system and a simulator for providing ship course and position data developed based on ship maneuvering mathematical model group (MMG) concept. The system software featuring 6 operation modes, including route planning, online monitoring and alarming, and system setting, is developed in Windows. The software is tasted on the ship Yukun under the real sea conditions. The test result, course steady error less than 3° and track steady error less than 30 m, is a step forward in development of intelligent navigation.