
    Optimization of Collection and Distribution System for Shenzhen International Hub Port in the Context of Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goal

    • 摘要: 党中央提出碳达峰、碳中和、国家综合立体交通网规划等重大决策部署,交通领域势必要加快形成绿色低碳的运输方式。深圳市作为国内碳排放控制的典范城市,深圳港口集疏运体系面临着碳达峰的发展要求,贯彻新发展理念,为实现碳达峰奠定坚实基础,巩固国际海港枢纽的地位,破解港口交通集疏运快速增长给城市环境带来的运输组织问题尤为迫切。提出了碳达峰部署下的深圳港集疏运体系的优化方案,将形成以深圳港为枢纽,以专用铁路为骨架,以物流场站为节点的低碳运输体系格局,重塑了港口集疏运运输组织模式,实现联运流程无缝衔接、设施能力有效匹配,为深圳城市交通碳达峰作出贡献。


      Abstract: Following the major decision of the Party Central Committee on carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goal and the plan of comprehensive national transport network construction, the transport industry must accelerate development of green transport. Shenzhen, as a model city in carbon emission control, has been making great effort to implement the new development concept in construction of the collection and distribution system for Shenzhen hub port. The impact of traffic growth associated with port operation on environment of the city has been a problem of great concern. The solution is proper organization of the traffic. This paper presents an optimized freight collection and distribution system for the port. In the system, the port is set as the hub, the dedicated railways form the framework and the logistic stations operate as the node of the network. With the transport network, the seamless connection of multimodal transport flow and effective transport power coordination can be achieved.


