
    Path planning for unmanned surface vehicle based on improved RRT* algorithm

    • 摘要: 为优化无人船的路径规划问题,加快路径规划速度,缩短船舶航行路径,提出一种基于改进RRT*的路径规划算法。首先放大目标点,将目标点问题转化为目标区域问题,随后根据目标点位置进行目标偏置扩展。当计算出初始可行路径后,基于初始路径重新生成采样区域,之后在重新生成的区域内进行后续采样,在得到最终可行路径后采用剪枝和3次B样条插值的方法进行优化,平滑路径,使其更符合船舶航行路线,最后通过Pycharm进行仿真验证。试验结果表明改进的RRT*算法比原有RRT*算法收敛时间更快且路径更短。


      Abstract: An improved RRT* algorithm is developed to accelerate the planning process and achieve shorter ship sailing distance. The target point is expended with offset to transform the problem concerning a target point into a problem of target area and a feasible path is calculated as the preliminary path. This preliminary path is used to define a new sampling area. The processis repeated to produce the feasible path plan proposal. The proposed path plan is optimized through pruning and cubic spline interpolation and a smoothed path plan good for ship navigation is generated. The final path plan is checked through simulation in PyCharm.Tests proves that the improved RRT* algorithm converges faster and generates shouter path than original RRT* algorithm does.


