On waterway traffic safety management in Qiongzhou Strait
摘要: 为应对客货运输量高速增长对琼州海峡水路交通安全保障的挑战,加快推动海峡港航一体化和交通供给侧结构性改革,在深入分析海峡客滚运输现状的基础上,提出通过完善交通基础设施建设、海上运输组织方式、安全管理措施、应急保障机制等措施保障水上交通安全性、便捷性和高效性发展对策及建议。所做研究工作对于推动海南自由贸易港封关运作及粤琼桂经济一体化高质量发展具有重要参考价值。Abstract: The growth of freight transport and passenger transport are seriously challenging the vessel traffic management in Qiongzhou Strait. The situation of the traffic is concretely and profoundly analyzed and measures for improvement are explored. Suggestions are presented in the aspects of infrastructure construction, marine traffic organization, safety management, emergency response.