
    On planning temporary material supply depot at sea for open-sea oil spill emergency

    • 摘要: 针对远海海域发生的重大溢油事故,应急船舶多次往返供需点会造成大量时间浪费,故引入海上临时物资供应站的概念。通过较大规模的运输船,在海上建立可供应急船舶调取物资的点位来节省整体处理时间。建立双层规划模型,上层基于溢油量和溢油位置,通过K-Means聚类方法动态选取临时物资供应站位置,下层使用遗传算法解决多物资调度问题。结果表明,在面对远海超大型溢油事故时,引入临时物资供应站,能极大缩短溢油应急调度的时间。


      Abstract: Oil cleaning operations are usually supported by shore-based materials supply stations. When the work site is in the open sea, to allocate a material support vessel of appropriate scale to wait near the site would be a better choice. A two-layer planning model is developed for planning a temporary on-site supply depot. The upper layer dynamically selects the location of the temporary on-site supply depot according to the volume and distribution of oil spill through K-Means clustering algorithm and the lower layer uses genetic algorithm to solve the multi-material allocation problem. The arrangement of temporary depot can significantly reduce the response time to oil spill accident.


