
    Quantitative investigation of shore-to-ship power policy

    • 摘要: 为推进我国绿色港口建设,助力“双碳”目标的实现,国务院、各部委及地方政府先后颁布了32份推进船舶使用岸电的政策文件。针对不同主体政策的侧重点,文章基于内容分析结果建立政策一致性(PMC)指数模型,将船舶岸电政策分为强制命令类、补贴优惠类和引导鼓励类三种,从中各选两份政策文件作为评价对象,实证分析船舶岸电政策的合理性。结果表明,我国船舶岸电政策制定还需从三个方面进行改进:在国家层面上,政策制定需以强制命令为主,以补贴优惠、引导鼓励为辅;在地方层面上,政策制定需以国家政策为引领,统筹规划港口岸电发展方向;在相关部门任务协同上,政策制定需构建全覆盖、不重复的关系网络。


      Abstract: In order to promote the construction of green ports in China and achieve the carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, the State Council, ministries and commissions and local governments have issued 32 policy documents respectively to accelerate the use of shore power for ships. The paper analyzes the contents of the documents and builds a policy consistency index model. The model divides the shore-to-ship power policy into three kinds: mandatory, subsidy, and guidance and environment. Two of each kind of the documents are selected to be examined. The empirical analysis of the rationality of the documents are performed. The research shows that the policy documents can be improved in three ways: at the state level, the central government should focus its effort on mandatory rules rather than subsidy polices and guidance instructions; at the regional level, the local authorities should follow the state policy and direct the development of shore-to-ship powering in general; the coverage and coordination of relevant departments and enterprises should be monitored to ensure a network of full coverage without overlapping.


