
    Modeling and calculation of AIS-based port congestion index

    • 摘要: 为客观、准确地评估港口拥堵程度,借鉴城市道路交通拥堵指数编制方法,提出基于船舶自动识别系统数据的港口拥堵指数模型和算法。首先,适当外扩船舶交通服务报告线,划定包含所有港外锚地的进出港测算线,再根据船舶自动识别系统数据中每艘船舶进出港口和进出泊位的时间测算出船舶实际进港时长、在泊时长和出港时长。然后,将船舶实际在港时长与正常状态下进出港时长的比值作为港口拥堵程度的评测指标,并对该指标进行加权合成,据此得到港口拥堵指数模型和测算方法。最后,以天津港、深圳港、宁波舟山港等港口为例,对港口拥堵指数进行实证分析,结果表明港口拥堵指数模型充分考虑了港内外锚地和港外漂泊船舶的等待时间,能够更加全面、客观反映港口的真实运行状态和拥堵水平。


      Abstract: The Traffic Congestion Index(TCI) for ports is introduced and the modeling and calculation of the index is conducted based on AIS data. The experience on road traffic is used to develop the index system. In order to establish TCI, the VTS reporting line of the port is moved outwards to ensure the AIS reporting zone to cover all roadsteads. The time of every ship′s entering the port, staying at berth and leaving the port are respectively calculated according to AIS data. The ratio of actual in-port time of ships to in-port time reference is defined as the indicator of port congestion. The time ratio for each ship is weighted according to its cargo type and ship length. The weighted time ratios for ships are combined to get the TCI of the port. Tianjin Port, Shenzhen Port and Ningbo Zhoushan Port are examined with the TCI for illustration.


